Adaro Energy Releases 3Q13 Activities Report

October 31, 2013, 11:55 am | Admin

Adaro Energy’s Quarterly Activities Report for the third quarter of 2013 is released today. We regularly issue the quarterly activities report one month after the end of each quarter. The report focuses on our operations, business development, exploration and other activities.

Highlights of the quarter:

  • New record for quarterly coal production of 13.73 million tonnes (Mt) with continued solid
    demand for our coal and record quarterly sales volume of 14.11 Mt.
  • We completed 99.3% of our OPCC physical construction.
  • The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has agreed to extend the deadline to
    achieve financial closure for the 2×1,000 megawatt (MW) Central Java Power Project
  • We inaugurated a new Floating Transfer Unit (FTU) with capacity of 60,000 tonnes a day
    and our offshore port management and operator, IMPT, at the Taboneo Anchorage.
  • The potential ban of lower quality coal by China did not materialize and Adaro
    maintained volumes into China.
  • Adaro Indonesia received two awards in the ASEAN Coal Awards 2013 for Best
    Practices in Coal Distribution and Best Practices in Surface Coal Mining.
  • Visit our new and improved website at


General Media:
For further information, please contact:
Devindra Ratzarwin
Corporate Secretary
Tel: (6221) 521 1265
Fax: (6221) 5794 4685

Financial Media:
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Cameron Tough
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: (6221) 521 1265
Fax: (6221) 5794 4685

Last modified on January 30, 2017, 11:57 am | 4463