Blog Adaro

2019, Adaro Fokus Kembangkan Produk Coking Coal
Senin, 25 Maret 2019 / 19:20 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Adaro Energy pada tahun ini akan fokus melakukan peningkatan produksi batu bara kokas atau coking coal. Selain peningkatan produksi, Adaro juga akan membidik pasar pasar coking coal. Presiden Direktur Adaro, Gharibaldi Tohir menjelaskan ekspansi pasar Adaro kepada...

Thailand's Feb coal imports slide 12% on year to 1.69 mil mt
Jumat, 22 Maret 2019 / 19:14 WIB
Hanoi — Thailand imported 1.69 million mt of coal comprising mainly bituminous, anthracite and other coals in February, down 12.2% year on year, according to customs data released Thursday. The value of the imports in the month was $107.2 million, 15.1% lower than $126.2 million in...

Coal miners on rampage
Jumat, 22 Maret 2019 / 19:11 WIB
The government has again demonstrated how pathetic it has been in coping with the environmental problems caused by abandoned coal-mine pits, which have increasingly become death traps for children and polluted food crops with acidic water in Kalimantan. Those huge black holes have even become an...

More Chinese ports delaying Australian thermal coal imports: sources
Rabu, 20 Maret 2019 / 19:45 WIB
Singapore — An increasing number of Chinese ports are holding up Australian coal shipments, with long delays now being reported at Fuzhou port in the southeastern Fujian province, Rizhao in Qingdao and Yingkou in Dalian, according to traders and end-users in China. The delays indicate that...

Asia's coal addiction puts chokehold on its air-polluted cities
Rabu, 20 Maret 2019 / 19:42 WIB
KUALA LUMPUR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Over the past year, the number of patients treated each day in the hospital unit where cardiologist Ade Imasanti Sapardan works in Indonesia’s capital has almost doubled to about 100. Sapardan, who sees up to 150 people every week, cites...

Miners eye lucrative prospects in coking coal
Selasa, 19 Maret 2019 / 19:40 WIB
Coal miners are looking to boost coking coal production in line with projected growth in the steel industry and the construction and manufacturing sectors, which require the substance as an energy source. “We project that steel production will grow moderately this year in line with global...

Samin Tan: Kisah 'Raja' Coking Coal & Tak Jelasnya Nasib BORN
Senin, 18 Maret 2019 / 18:30 WIB
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Nasib PT Borneo Lumbung Energi Tbk (BORN) semakin tak tentu. Pemegang saham sekaligus pemilik BORN Samin Tan sudah ditetapkan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) sebagai tersangka kasus suap kepada mantan anggota DPR Eni Maulani Saragih. Seperi dikutip dari,...

It's Hard Being a Sell-Side Coal Analyst, But M&A Might Help
Jumat, 15 Maret 2019 / 19:27 WIB
It’s tough being a stock analyst covering U.S. coal companies these days. Just ask Jeremy Sussman. The managing director at Clarksons Platou Securities Inc. offered up a snapshot of the challenges he faces covering an industry that struggles to attract investors amid competition from cheap...

BNP Paribas fund arm to exclude some coal and mining companies
Kamis, 14 Maret 2019 / 19:25 WIB
(Reuters) - BNP Paribas Asset Management, the investment management arm of the French bank, is to stop investing in companies that obtain more than 10 percent of their revenue from thermal coal. The exclusion of such companies producing thermal coal and generating electricity from coal was...

US 2019 coal production expected to fall 7.8% on year to 694.9 million st: EIA
Rabu, 13 Maret 2019 / 18:58 WIB
Houston — The US is estimated to produce 694.9 million st of coal in 2019, the US Energy Information Administration said Tuesday, cutting its estimate from a month ago by 3.8%. The 2019 production would be 7.8% lower than the 753.7 million st produced in 2018, while 2020 production is...

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