Glencore sees coal price improving in 2016 and wants to buy a coal mine with BHP

March 10, 2016, 12:55 pm | Admin

Glencore believes thermal coal markets will improve in 2016 and the Swiss miner wants to work with BHP Billiton to jointly buy a stake in a Colombian coal mine.

BHP and Glencore both own 33 per cent of the Cerrejon coal mine in Colombia, and have been approached by the owner of the remaining 33 per cent, Anglo American, about its desire to sell its stake.

Like most mines, the existing partners in Cerrejon have first opportunity to bid for stakes that come onto the market, and Glencore chief executive Ivan Glasenberg said he would be willing to grow his stake if an appropriate price could be agreed.

Mr Glasenberg said his preferred model would be for BHP and Glencore to both increase their stakes to 50 per cent.

“Cerrejon is an opportunity… it is something that we would have to find a way to do if we can get the right price, it is something we wouldn’t want to walk away from,” he said.

“If it was a 50/50 (joint venture) we would have to look at that with BHP if they wanted to buy it together with us.”

BHP said last week that it was prepared to make acquisitions while commodity prices and asset values are low, and while its focus is on potential copper and oil acquisitions, BHP is willing to increase its exposure to coal if the right deal was available.

While growing its stake in Cerrejon is one opportunity, BHP may also buy coking coal assets in Queensland, with some quality assets now on the market, including Anglo’s Grosvenor project.

Buying-out a partner’s stake in a mine is considered to be one of the lowest-risk ways to grow shareholder value through acquisitions, given the buyer already has full knowledge of the asset and its value.

Glencore is more bullish about the future of thermal coal than most major miners, and Mr Glasenberg said the outlook for the downtrodden sector was improving.

“What is good about coal going forward and looks interesting is there is no new production in the world, if anything we have seen this massive cutback off Indonesian coal supply,” he said.

“It should be better this year than what happened last year.”

The comments come despite Chinese coal imports falling dramatically in 2015, but Mr Glasenberg said he was optimistic about India’s role in the coal market.

“India still looks strong…I know certain people don’t agree with us on (the potential for coal) imports into India but we still feel comfortable on the imports into India this year looking pretty strong,” he said.

Glencore mines thermal coal in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, and unsuccessfully sought to merge its Hunter Valley business with that of Rio Tinto during 2014.

It also produces coking coal in Australia, and Mr Glasenberg conceded that he would like to shut some Australian coal mines that were being kept open because of take-or-pay rail and port contracts that are in place and force Glencore to pay for access regardless of whether that capacity was actually used.

Glencore is itself trying to sell between $US4 billion and $US5 billion of assets in 2016 in a bid to reduce its debt problem, and Mr Glasenberg said any acquisition would need to fit with those debt reduction efforts.

“Everything that comes out (onto the market) we will look at it, see if there is way our balance sheet can handle it. We don’t want to affect the balance sheet and all the efforts we have put in place (to repair the balance sheet),” he said.

The comments come as unions at Cerrejon mull whether to strike later this week over a wages dispute that has been running for several months.

Glencore also mines nickel in Australia at the Murrin Murrin mine in WA, and has previously warned that asset could close if low prices persist.

Mr Glasenberg said Murrin Murrin was “pretty much cash break even” at current nickel prices and was still under review.

“At current nickel prices it is not great… but the guys are doing a pretty good job in pushing its costs lower,” he said.

“We will continue reviewing it, if we believe the thing is generating negative cash we will look to see what we can do, what is the cost of shutting it.”

Mr Glasenberg said the Zinc market was also looking better, with imports into China rising year on year.

Glencore mines zinc and lead at McArthur River in the Northern Territory and at a cluster of mines around Mt Isa in Queensland.

Last modified on February 1, 2017, 12:56 pm | 2621