Indonesia's Feb coal benchmark price set at $66.89/T -ministry

February 4, 2020, 6:01 pm | Admin
  • Indonesia’s government set its coal benchmark price (HBA) for February at $66.89 per tonne, Agung Pribadi, a spokesman at Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry told reporters on Tuesday
  • It is a slight increase from $65.93 per tonne in January COAL-HBA-ID
  • “The price increase for February 2020 was supported by falling coal stockpiles from Chinese mines due to the Lunar New Year holidays and impact from coronavirus,” Pribadi said. Rival coal producer Australia will also see some production decline, he added.
  • The HBA is a monthly average of the Argus-Indonesia Coal Index (ICI-1), the Platts Kalimantan 5,900 assessment, the Newcastle Export Index and the globalCOAL Newcastle index from the previous month

Last modified on February 4, 2020, 6:02 pm | 3547