Customer is Priority

July 2, 2014, 9:50 am | Admin

Prioritizing customers is not just a “slogan” for Adaro, but it reflects Adaro’s employees’ commitment to give their best for the customers. It is also stated clearly in one of the company’s mission statement “satifying the customers’ needs’. This once again stressed in Adaro Values IMORE (Integrity, Meritocracy, Opennes, Respect, Excellence).  “Strive to exceed the customer’s expectations” is  one of the characters in Excellence value which is implemented in the employees’ daily worklife.

To support implementation of this value, Adaro implements an international standardized system such as Standard Operational Procedures which targetted the suitability of the market sample with the customer’s order, control the quality of production process, and ensure the coal quality is suitable with the customer’s request.

In addition, in maintaining quality of its coal product, Adaro implemented high standard based on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, dan OHSAS 18001, accredited cargo superintending (service in barge loading) based on ISO/IEC 17020, and accredited coal testing laboratory based on ISO/IEC 17025. This system  applies when start processing barge loading until releasing the result of product analysis to be sent to the customers. Applying this sytem has increased the control and quality assurance of the product, minimized potential contamination to the product, as well as ensured the suitability of the product with the customer’s expectation. Once request of buyers from all over the world come, it will be simultaniously sent to all related departments such as ; Mine Planning, Shipping, Quality Control and Quality Assurance, Supply Chain, Marketing, with the same objective to provide the product based on the customer’s specification and everyone in the business process is striving to achieve that goal. We can see a strict control by looking at the system applied where envirocoal sampling is taken, prepared, and tested in ISO standard or ASTM (American Society for Testing and Material) standard and other coal testing standard requested by  customers. The coal sampling system for example is intended to avoid contamination or when there is contamination occured, the team will detect it and removed it imediately from coal.

Adaro also has compliant handling system to ensure customer’s compliant is well accepted and correstion is done immediately. Compliant will be handled with international standard that is accepted by both parties and ensure win-win solution for both parties.

The guarantee of sustainability of its product combined with standardised system has built trust among Adaro customers and makes Adaro a reliable coal producer. Over 50% of its blue chips customers have relationship more than 10 years. The system also improves operational efficiency in Adaro coal supply chain.

By Yuyun Choiriah


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